Full Moon in Aquarius on August 1, 2012 – Be Unique and Expansive!

The gorgeous Full Moon! Be unique and allow your originality to shine during the next 2 weeks!

Tonight’s Full Moon is looming and the energy is UP! Nervy, initiating, expansive, original, rebellious, optimistic, and dare I say – possibly a bit combative?

The Full Moon occurs in Aquarius at 11:27 PM Eastern Time on this first day of August 2012. A Full Moon in Aquarius means that the Sun is in Leo and these two luminaries are playing in the sky exactly opposite to each other. We can look at that in a couple of ways – either we see it as Ego vs. Emotions; or we see it as an opportunity to balance the desires of the Ego with the pull of our Emotions. The latter is win-win if we can manage it. The former is a battle.

As is true for all Full Moons, this is a period of culmination – of flowering and illumination. Did you begin anything, plant any sort of seed, near the Cancer New Moon on July 19, 2012? Today marks halfway through that cycle, so consciously take note of your circumstances now to establish how to proceed. Alternatively, this could be a culmination point of something you began around the time the Moon was last New in Aquarius, just over 6 months ago on Jan. 23, 2012.  Perhaps it’s time to take stock of how those New Year’s resolutions are panning out? (Remember those?) That cycle resolves just before Feb. 10, 2013, so again, this is a great mid-point to see what’s being shown in the light either to let go of, proceed with, or change.

With the energies that are present right now (huge influences from Uranus and Jupiter on just about everything) I’m thinking CHANGE and expanding your awareness to include the new and exciting is what to be open to (note I did not say “act on.”) Here’s a potential mantra that is quite apropos: “I must risk disapproval from others and be true to my own unorthodox ideas in order to develop the deeper and more satisfying feeling of self-approval and to broaden my worldview and the way I live within it.”  Risk. That is classic Uranus/Jupiter ideology right there. Everyone who can get down with that say “AMEN!” If you have planets in Aquarius or Leo, or both, think deeply about this mantra. Let it go to work inside you. Again, I said “think.” I didn’t say do. 

Mercury is still Retrograde until August 8, so taking direct action on new, fresh and exciting ideas isn’t advised, though you must CERTAINLY be having them. Researching those ideas, collecting them, ruminating on the best possible new directions – that’s all good! This is a very mental Full Moon with a great emphasis on the Air signs which stimulates the mental processes. And admittedly there is emphasis on Fire as well and Fire wants to move… but Uranus IS Retrograde in Aries with Mars in close proximity to Saturn. That’s to say that some restraint is called for – some grounding due to make the most of this part of the Moon’s cycle. I get the sensation of chomping at the bit, or being ushered into the starting gait waiting for the shot to sound. A little more waiting is in order and this can make the most patient of us edgy and uncomfortable. 

Possibly the best parts of this Full Moon are the Jupiter connections. Jupiter is in happy conversation with the Moon, the  Sun,  and Mars lending, on the up-side, a level of generosity of spirit, nobility, optimism and self-assurance. True feel-good stuff. There is wisdom to be gained and our ethics are stretched wide to push our boundaries farther abroad. But we must also take a look at the down-side potentials as well: overextending, promising what can’t be delivered, soap-boxing and self-righteousness. So be aware of these tendencies in yourself and if they emerge, look realistically at what you can accomplish, council yourself wisely and open to other opinions around you that may be just as valid as your own. 

The bottom line here is to allow your high energy to come out to play, but try to stay grounded and don’t embark on new ideas just yet – and keep your temper in check. Enjoy the positivity that’s in the air and be social! And please, come out with your unique-ness, your originality. There are opportunities to be had through them! I’ll restate that in case you slipped right past it – there are opportunities to be had by being your original and unique self! Just remember that today is NOT the day (nor are the next two weeks) to let others tell you how to be –  just as it IS the time to allow others to be who they uniquely are and to be accepting of them. In this way, by wearing our own uniqueness proudly while allowing others the same due, we can best use this Full Moon’s energy.

(Didn’t say this above, but communications with folks might not go as expected. A bit blurry, and can be irritating – Mercury quincunx Neptune. And if you can do romance – Venus trine Neptune – without too much talking, all the better.) 

For you students of astrology, here is a line-up of the aspects in the Full Moon in Aquarius chart:

Planetary Aspects in the Full Moon in Aquarius Chart.
August 1, 2012 at 11:27 PM Eastern.

The New Moon in Aquarius Chart.
Aries wheel drawn for Aug. 1, 2012 at 11:27 PM Eastern.